Friday, November 14, 2003

In honor of the recent Freebird thread on AMS see #1.

Top 10 things NOT to do when out listening to live music

10) Forget to tip the bartender.

9) Buy more than one round of drinks for the band. OK big spender, its a nice gesture, but if the band gets too drunk they probably won't sound too good.

8) During set breaks make a member of the band wait in line for the bathroom.

7) Ignore the opener. Sometimes the opener is worth the price of admission all by themselves, I've discovered some great bands by showing up early and listening to the opener.

6) show up late and whine about a show being sold out. (See number 7)

5) Keep requesting a song over and over when the band has made clear they either don't want to play it or can't remember how to play it. Does anyone really think this method works?

4) Stand in the front and engage in long drawn out conversations. Hey, the people in the front came to hear the band, if you came to talk, go stand somewhere else. Of course, a number of people in the back came to hear the band too...if you want to talk, what exactly are you doing there?

3) disrespect your neighbor. Not just talking during the show, but pushing, becoming drunkenly belligerent, addressing them as "Loser, why aren't you dancing", etc.

2) Complain about the cover charge. $10 to see a couple of hours of live music is not unreasonable... so quit yer bitchin'

1) Request Freebird. Why do people (still) think this is funny?